“Legal Support for Business”
In 2016, KIEHYUN was ranked as follows in terms of legal advisory service published by each institution.
Invest Chosun
- Buyout M&A 7th(deal count/completion)
- Non-Buyout M&A 9th (deal count/completion)
Yonhap Infomax
- M&A 6th (deal value)
The Bell
- Acquisitions 9th(completion)
- SOC/Real estate 7th(completion/in progress)
- IPO 7th
Merger Market
- M&A 9th(deal value)
Thomson Reuters
- M&A 6th(deal value/completion)
Please see the original article for details.
Invest Chosun : 2016 Invest_Chosun_Korea_CM_League_Table.pdf
Yonhap Infomax : http://news.einfomax.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=288567
The Bell : http://www.thebell.co.kr/front/free/contents/news/article_view.asp?key=201612300100055790003323
Merger Market : http://www.mergermarket.com/pdf/League-Tables-for-Legal-Advisers-Preliminary-Q4-2016-Asia-Pacific.pdf
Thomson Reuters : Thomson Reuters MA Legal Full Year 2016 - Korea.pdf